Signs That Your Dieting Has Become Disordered Eating

signs of eating disorders

In a National Health and Nutrition Examination survey with 9,700 participants, around 8,000 inaccurately evaluated their diet quality, and nearly 99% overrated the healthfulness of their diet. The study which used that data posits how adults may have a skewed perception over what constitutes as healthful, and indicates that diets can altogether evade being beneficial to people. In fact, in extreme cases, diets that cause abnormal weight loss, fatigue, malnutrition, and psychological illnesses can signify disordered eating.

Signs That Dieting Has Developed Into Disordered Eating

Severe dieting can lead to disordered eating. Disordered eating involves a range of harmful practices that also manifest in eating disorders, though most of them start with a person’s difficult relationship with food.

Hyperfixating On Food Intake

A common consequence of disordered eating is hyperfixating on food intake. This is because disordered eating is often accompanied by self-criticism when a person displays a lack of willpower toward maintaining diet rules. For example, experiences of guilt after failed diet attempts can lead to you overmanaging your food intake.

One recourse to consider is using FDA-approved weight loss pills such as Revitaa Pro. They not only reduce absorbed fat, but they also curb the desire to eat. This means you can manage your appetite better without devolving into harmful habits such as bingeing or using laxatives.

Needing To Control Body Weight

The need to control one’s body weight is often activated by body image perception, which depends on factors such as family, friends, and media. In some cases, concern or discomfort can arise if imperfections are observed. This can lead to a disturbed perception of body image, and the consequent adoption of coping strategies to manage one’s weight and body— which are common facets of disordered eating. These strategies include strict diets, bingeing episodes, and compensatory behaviors. As such, it’s important to be mindful of compulsive behaviors or mental actions that are grounded on the need to change your body shape and weight.

Swinging Between Restricting Food And Binge-Eating

If you’ve noticed irregular patterns in your diet like rigidly avoiding food, restricting food, or eating small quantities of specific food, these may characterize serious problems, including anorexia nervosa. In some cases of this condition, even patients severely underweight may view themselves as overweight (body dysmorphia). This can result in them either limiting their food consumption or increasing their binge-purging methods. The latter incorporates the use of laxatives after consuming a large amount of food. Moreover, this condition can result in medical complications related to starvation, so it’s extremely important to be aware of its patterns.

Seeking Help

The first hurdle in getting help is acknowledging the problem. This also hinders early detection, which is necessary to make a full recovery. Note that people who experience disordered eating risk further medical complications if left untreated.

Thus, seeking professional help like therapists or counselors is imperative to treat disordered eating. However, the American Psychological Association reports an increased demand for mental health services has resulted in congested therapy clinics and longer waitlists. Fortunately, this is eased by virtual consultations or telemedicine. Moreover, telemedicine is just as beneficial for people with disordered eating since care providers are also licensed and trained, just like traditional practitioners. Case in point, mental health therapists in Tennessee who practice virtually are required to apply their past clinical experience to offer appropriate interventions for patients. These interventions can include cognitive behavioral therapy, which helps patients change their negative thoughts on food, eating, and weight into good behaviors. Similarly, teletherapists in San Francisco have adapted their practices to remote treatments. Aside from conducting psychotherapies, this also means assessments on the possible role of parental pressure or other issues at home that inform their patient’s condition can be made.

Lastly, having a strong support system is beneficial for people who struggle with disordered eating. Surround yourself with family and friends that help reinforce your pursuits to maintain a positive body image and a healthy relationship with food. Likewise, avoid any relationships that are hyper-critical of your bodily flaws and validate your disordered eating behaviors.

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